
The clockwork is an extra-dimensional set-up for generating light particles with exponentially suppressed or hierarchical couplings of light particles with N massive states having comparable masses near the threshold scale of the mechanism in theories which contain no small parameters at the fundamental level. We explore the prospect of charged lepton flavour violation (cLFV) in a clockwork framework which encompasses Dirac mass terms as well as Majorana mass terms for the new clockwork fermions. We deive the masses of the non zero clockwork Majorana masses, and new particles in a clockwork framework and for their Yukawa couplings to the lepton doublets, in the framework where the clockwork parameters are universal. When the new clockwork Majorana masses are non zero, neutrino masses are generated as a result from the exchange of heavy messenger particles such as right handed iso$-$singlet neutrinos or iso$ - $triplet scalar bosons known as the seesaw mechanism. In the case of non zero clockwork Majorana masses, owing to the sizable effective Yukawa couplings of the higher mass modes neutrino masses can only be made tiny by conjecturing large Majorana mass in the teraelectron volt range for allthe clockwork gears. This is apparent from the constraints on the mass scale of the clockwork fermions due to the non-observation of the rare cLFV decay $ \mu\rightarrow e\gamma $, $ \tau \rightarrow \mu \gamma $, $ \tau\rightarrow e\gamma $. A general description of the clockwork mechanism valid for fermions, gauge bosons, and gravitons is discussed here. This mechanism can be implemented with a discrete set of new fields or, in its continuum version, through an extra spatial dimension.

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