
Using event‐interaction data from Azar's Conflict and Peace Data Bank, the authors examine the distributions of major world cooperations and major international interventions by regions of cooperation, types of cooperation, and times of cooperation. Also examined are the distributions of major intervening parties by regions of intervening parties and intervening by intervened regions. In terms of location, it was found that the developed regions of North America and Europe experienced more cooperations than conflicts, while the Third World regions experienced as many conflicts as cooperations or more so. In terms of involvement, the pattern was similar, but not of the same degree. With regard to interventions, 41% of the 122 cooperative interventions occurred in Black Africa; 75% of them were civil; 57% occurred in the decade 1958–1968; and about half of these three percentages were due to the achievement of national independence. With regard to intervening parties it was found that: the first world origi...

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