
The maize one commodities Indonesia of food, apart from rice, soybean, wheat and sorghum has the potential to feed, needs raw materials industries and handicrafts. To the improving quality and maize through to improved cultivation, varieties superior new, pest and disease control, handling harvest and post harvest. This paper aims to know pest and disease of the maize and strategic control. The lot of genus Athergiona in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Srilangka, Pakistan, Pacific Islands and Australia. The pest caterpillar of Spodoptera litura also came from State Southern Europe, Africa, India, China, Asia, Indonesia, Australia, United States and other Pacific Countries until the United. The pest species A. oryzae, A. exigua, Oxya sp., S. litura, H. armigera, O. furnacalis, O. nubilalis, S. exempta and N. viridula attack plants of maize on form of imago and larva active on day and night. The larva and imago strike base the bones of leaves, hair on the tunny, shoots of panicles, male flowers and sucking the juices on cobs young. Pest attacks has caused perforated of leaves, slow growth, yellowing, epidermis leaves transparent, rot, cobs open and maize dead. The disease blight leaves on a maize caused of H. turcicum Pass., P. Sorghi Schwein., P. maydis, P. philippinensis, Fusarium sp., Diplodia sp. and bacteria Erwinia sp. Disease and bacteria attacking of leaves surface of the top and bottom leaves the whole leaves are yellow, dwarf plants, maize cobs foul part or all and fall. Symptoms attack look the epidermis burst and masses of spores free cause urediosorus, small patches, evolved into blight green grey or dark brown. Infectious disease occurring through stomata of maize leaves young. Overpopulation pest and disease attack on the highest for the climate change dry to rainfall, rainy season, factors wetlands due to flow of irrigation, because high air humidity as well as abundance of food. Pest control 70-90% using natural enemies Systoechus sp., M. anisopliae, Trichogramma. spp, E. annulata, B. thuringensis, H. armigera Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (HaNPV), birds, spiders, and chemical, carbofuran, decis, the active monokrotofos, triazofos, diklhrofos 2-3 g per plants. Biodiversity control disease blight leaves of maize using T. Viride and nordox 56wp chemistry. Culture pest and disease control technical of maize with land cultivation, varieties hold, multiple cropping of maize with peanut or soybean alternation of host plant, with not in in proper time, fertilizing balanced, avoid planting during rainy season, male cutting part of the interest, environmental sanitation and environmentally friendly organic agriculture.

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