
Magnolia unicarmensis is described as a new species of mountain Colombian Magnoliaceae. M. unicarmensis can be distinguished from the other members of subsection Dugandiodendron by a combination of characters, including smaller leaf size (3.20–6.73 × 1.91–3.93 cm); leaf shape obovate, base cuneate, woolly abaxial pubescent only in the midvein extending to a small prolongation in the emarginated apex; prefoliation marks on the lamina absent; golden woolly stipules; flowers 5.13–6.37 cm in diameter, 92–100 staments with six to eight petals and fruit ellipsoid 3.04–3.62 × 2.02–2.35 cm with six to seven glabrous carpels. This species is endemic from Antioquia, it is currently known only from Carmen de Viboral and La Unión Municipalities and it is proposed as Critically Endangered under criteria B1 ab(i,ii,iii,v) of IUCN.

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