
Background: Severe acute malnutrition refers to the condition that is identified by the Mid-Upper Arm Circumference measurement of less than 115 mm or weight for height (wasting) less than minus 3SD z-score below the median in 6 to 59 months children. There are limited, documented studies on the level of severe acute malnutrition, and its associated factors among <5 children attending Treatment at Adama Hospital Medical College. Objective: To study magnitude of severe acute malnutrition and associated factors among under-five children attending treatment center at Adama Hospital Medical College, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Methods: Hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted on 401 under-five children attending treatment center at Adama Hospital Medical college.Systematic sampling was used to select study participants. The structured questionnaires were used to collect data. The data was entered into SPSS Software version 21 for analysis. Descriptive statistics was used to describes characteristics of study participants using frequencies distribution to check missing data. The association for independent and dependent variables were assessed using logistic regression analysis. The factors with <0.25 in the Bivariate analysis were transferred to multivariate logistic regression analysis to control the impact of confounding variables. Odds ratios with 95%CI were used to assess relation between predict and outcome variables.Summary statistics was declared at P-value of 0.05. Results:The magnitude of Severe Acute Malnutrition among <children visiting hospital was (33.7%). Multivariate analysis showed that severe acute malnutrition was significantly associated with family size ≥5(AOR:1.9(1.01,3.68;95%CI); Late breastfeeding initiation AOR:(3.8(1.91,7.73;95%CI). No exclusive breastfeeding at appropriate time AOR: 3.7(1.59,8.49 with 95%CI), and no appropriate complementary feeding; AOR: 12.0(6.21,24.53). Conclusion and recommendation: The results of this study showed the magnitude of severe acute malnutrition was higher. Families size, late exclusive breast feeding, late initiation of breastfeeding and complementary feeding were factor associated SAM. Based on findings Communities, city administrative health office, health care provider, stakeholders, and government should give due attention, and take necessary intervention before problem intensify.

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