
The results of studying the magnetization, magnetostriction, specific heat, and magnetocaloric effect in LaFe11.1Mn0.1Co0.7Si1.1 polycrystalline alloy in pulsed (up to 180 kOe) and cyclic magnetic fields of 12 kOe with a frequency of up to 20 Hz are presented. Direct and indirect methods were used to evaluate the magnetocaloric properties. The dependence of ∆SM on the magnetic field near ТС is described by the power law ∆SM∼H2/3 without signs of saturation up to 180 kOe, reaching the maximum value ∆Smax= 38 J/kg K in a field of 180 kOe. The field dependence of the magnetostriction near ТС tends to saturation (the saturation field is about 120 kOe) a further increase in the field up to 180 kOe changes the magnetostriction by only ∼6%. Direct measurements of ∆Tad in a cyclic magnetic field of 12 kOe show a decrease in the amplitude of the effect by 17% as the frequency of the cyclic magnetic field increases up to 20 Hz. This is most likely due to magnetic and microstructural inhomogeneities, which act as an additional channel for thermal dissipation.

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