
In this work we investigate the magneto-optical resonance on <sup>87</sup>Rb D<sub>1</sub> line. In two-level degenerated system this resonance is due to the interference between the Zeeman sub-levels, created by interaction of resonance linear polarized laser beam with the atoms. The observed signal is detected by sweeping magnetic field <strong>B</strong> around its zero value. This phenomenon is also known as a Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) in Hanle-configuration. In a coated vacuum cell the fluorescence signal has a complex form, because the anti-relaxation coating preserves the created coherence, having different relaxation rates. The ground state coherence is transmitted by the laser field to the upper level; thereby polarization moments with different rank contribute to the fluorescence. The manifestation of the different polarization moments in the observed signal depends on the geometry of the experiment – direction of observation, plane of the laser polarization, polarization of the registered light. The resonances obtained in the fluorescence having different polarization are compared in order to clear up what are the contributions to the fluorescent signal from the polarization moments with different rank. The experiment is performed on the D<sub>1</sub> <sup>87</sup>Rb line, F=2→ F=1 transition in a paraffin-coated cell. The magneto-optical resonances, detected in two orthogonal polarizations are measured. Numerical calculations with parameters, close to the experimental ones are performed by using a program, which is based on the irreducible tensor operator formalism. The results of the modelling are compared with the measured ones at different experimental conditions.

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