
The 0-3 type CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 nanocomposites have been prepared by co-precipitation sintering process in this work. The structure, dielectric, magnetic properties and magnetoelectric (ME) coupling effect of nanocomposites are studied. It finds that the 0-3 connectivity in nanocomposites results in BaTiO3 hindering the merger and growth of CoFe2O4 leading to smaller particle size (in the range 52–55 nm), creating large interface area between CoFe2O4 and BaTiO3 in composites. Creating the space charge polarization dominant thereby the dielectric constant decreased sharply with increasing frequency. Magnetization data show typical ferromagnetic behavior. Nanocomposites have strong ME coupling effect, among which C40s (CoFe2O4 content is 40 wt%) sample has a maximum ME coupling coefficient of 587.3 mV/cm∙Oe at 1.8 kHz.

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