
An experimental and computer simulation study of the stability of thermomagnetically written domains during magneto-optical (MO) readout has been conducted. Using standard TbFeCo disks from various sources, the variation in signal amplitude and jitter versus readout laser power, bias field, and irradiation time was measured. With this data, safe regions for readout operation over the life of an erasable optical storage device can be mapped out. To gain insight into the mechanisms of thermomagnetically induced domain instability and the associated degradation in carrier-to-noise ratio and jitter performance, a micromagnetics simulation with its companion laser heating model was applied to cases of long-term MO readout. The graphic displays of the micromagnetics model exhibit the onset of induced domain-wall irregularity associated with the increase of readout noise and jitter. In extreme cases, noticeable mark size changes corresponding to partial erasure effects are predicted.

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