
In this micromagnetic framework, Spin transfer torque induced magnetization switching in Co/Cu/Co nanopillar device is investigated numerically. The magnetization switching dynamics of the free layer in the nanopillar device is governed by the Landau Lifshitz Gilbert Slonczewski (LLGS) equation and solving it numerically by employing OOMMF, a micromagnetic software. Results are obtained by varying the fixed layer orientation (β) of our nanopillar device from in-plane to out-of-plane (i.e.) from 0° to 80° and the corresponding switching time is noted. Results of the micromagnetic simulation reveals that there is an extreme reduction of switching time in the free layer of our devised nanopillar, if we increase the fixed layer angle (β) from 0° to 80°. The corresponding switching time got shortened from 1651 picoseconds to 104.44 picoseconds and is obtained for an applied current density of 2.25×1011Am-2 with 0.05 T as applied bias field. For 90° (i.e.) out-of-plane orientation, the magnetization switching is not exist, because the free layer magnetization follows an oscillation state. Moreover, when we compare 0° to 80°, the switching time is reduced almost 16 times which solely provoked as a source of future spintronic devices for magnetic storage applications.

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