
For sequential examination of static and dynamic properties of domain walls (DWs) in magnetically ordered media it is necessary to take into account their magnetic symmetry [1, 2]. The complete symmetry classification of plane 180◦-DWs in magnetically ordered crystals [1], similar classification of these DWs with the Bloch lines in ferromagnets and ferrites [2] and magnetic symmetry classification of plane non-180◦-DWs (all possible DW types including 0◦-DWs [3]) in ferroand ferrimagnets [4] were carried out earlier. These DW symmetry classifications allows arbitrary crystallographic point symmetry group of the crystal. The influence of the spatially restricted sample surfaces on the DW magnetic symmetry was not considered in works [1–4]. The real magnetic sample restricts a spatial (3D) magnetization distribution. Therefore, it modifies the DW symmetry in general case. This paper presents the investigation of the influence of the restricted sample surfaces on the symmetry of the all possible (0◦-, 60◦-, 70.5◦-, 90◦-, 109.5◦-, 120◦and 180◦-DW [4, 5]) plane (i.e., DW with r0 A δ, where r0 is the curvature radius of the DW [1]) DWs in an arbitrary oriented plate of the cubic (crystallographic point symmetry group m3m) ferroand ferrimagnets.

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