
The magnetic properties of the YFe12−xMx compounds (M = Ti, Mo or V; x = 1–3.5) have been determined in the ordered ferromagnetic state as well as in theparamagnetic state. The iron magnetic moment has been determined from4 K up to the Curie temperature whereas the analysis of the paramagneticregion has led to the determination of the effective iron magnetic moment. Thenumber of spins has been calculated below and above the Curie temperaturein order to discuss the degree of itinerancy of the Fe magnetic behavior in theYFe12−xMx compounds.All the YFe12−xMx compounds (M = Ti, Mo or V; x = 1–3.5) have very similar crystalline properties: they crystallize in the samecrystal structure and all the M elements used here are known to substitute foriron on the same crystal site. In contrast, they exhibit a wide range of magneticbehavior; the Curie temperature varies from 63 to 539 K and the mean magneticmoment per iron atom is also very dependent upon the M element used and itsconcentration. Furthermore the degree of itinerancy of the iron is not preserved alongYFe12−xMx compounds but is found to depend significantly upon the nature of the substitutingelement M and its concentration. The results are discussed and compared toearlier published results obtained on binary R–Fe and ternary R–Fe–B compounds.

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