
The influence of external magnetic field h on a static conductivity of MottHubbard material which is described by model with correlated hopping of electrons has been investigated. By means of canonical transformation the effective Hamiltonian which takes into account strong intra-site Coulomb repulsion and correlated hopping is obtained. Using a variant of generalized Hartree-Fock approximation the single-electron Green function and quasiparticle energy spectrum of the model have been calculated. The static conductivity σ has been calculated as a function of h, electron concentration n and temperature T . The correlated hopping is shown to cause the electron-hole asymmetry of transport properties of narrow band materials. keywordsMott-Hubbard material, conductivity, magnetic field pacs72.15-v; 72.80.Ga. The achievements of the recent years in the field of strongly correlated electron systems give us the opportunity to understand the properties of narrow-band materials, in particular those in which metal-insulator transition under the action of external influences (pressure, doping, temperature) is realized [1]. The strongly correlated electron systems demonstrate unusual transport properties [2]. For understanding of the physical mechanisms, which cause these peculiarities, the experimental and theoretical researches of the temperature dependence of conductivity are needed. The results concerning low-frequency behavior of conductivity are of the prior importance, because it gives the information about the scattering processes close to the Fermi surface. The theoretical investigation of conductivity σ(ω, T ) are mainly concentrated in the limit T = 0. Behavior of the static conductivity σ(T ) = σ(ω = 0, T ) at T > 0 has not been studied sufficiently. Theoretical investigations of the optical conductivity in the Hubbard model [3] in the frameworks of the Kubo linear response theory [4] last for many decades, we note here the investigations by analytical methods: moment method [5], in composite operators method [6], in the mean-field theory [7, 8], in the perturbative theory method [9, 10] in the limit of weak interaction (|t| ≫ U), in method of the memory function [11, 12], in the opposite limit (U ≫ |t|). The conductivity has been intensively studied in onedimensional Hubbard model [13]-[15], where the numerical results can be compared with exact ones obtained by Bethe ansatz application.


  • The effect of external magnetic field h on a static conductivity of MottHubbard material which is described by the model with correlated hopping of electrons has been investigated

  • Magnetic field dependence of conductivity and effective mass of carriers des the intra-site Coulomb repulsion U, strong in comparison with inter-site hopping tij, describes the correlated hopping of electrons and show that it leads to the electron-hole asymmetry of conductivity and other characteristics

  • It is important to note that passing from the regime of conductivity provided by the carriers in the lower band to the regime when it is provided by s− ↑↓-transitions, the effective mass increases stepwise at the point n = 1

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The effect of external magnetic field h on a static conductivity of MottHubbard material which is described by the model with correlated hopping of electrons has been investigated. In this work we show that the application of the variant of projection procedure for the calculation of the Green function allows us to reproduce some peculiarities of static conductivity of narrow-band material in the limit of strong Coulomb correlation and to investigate the external effects such as temperature change, doping, pressure and magnetic field.

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