
Major, trace-element, and Sr-, Nd-and Pbisotope data are presented for volcanics from 12 active or recently active volcanoes from the islands of Flores, Adonara, Lembata and Batu Tara in the eastern Sunda are. The volcanics vary in composition from low-K tholeiite, through medium-and high-K calcalkaline types to the K-rich leucite basanites of Batu Tara. From the tholeiites to the leucite basanites there are marked increases in the concentrations of LILE (K, Rb, Ba, Sr), LREE and La/Yb, and all the volcanics have high Ba/ Nb, La/Nb and Ba/La compared with mid-ocean ridge and intraplate eruptives. K/Cs values are generally lower than OIB values, and overlap those of other arc volcanics and northeast Indian Ocean sediments. The volcanics exhibit a broad range of 87Sr/86Sr (0.70468–0.70706), 143Nd/144Nd (0.512946–0.512447), and a moderate range in 206Pb/204Pb (18.825–19.143), 207Pb/ 204Pb (15.643–15.760) and 208Pb/204Pb (38.97–39.51). Trace-element and isotopic data suggest that the mantle beneath the eastern Sunda arc is a complex heterogeneous mixture of 3 or 4 major source components: MORB-source or depleted MORB-source, OIB-source and subducted Indian Ocean sediment. The low-K tholeiites were probably formed by relatively large degrees of melting of depleted MORB-source mantle, modified by subduction-related fluids, whereas the trace-element and isotopic characteristics of the K-rich volcanics suggest that they were derived from an OIB source which and been modified by a subduction-related melt component. The source components of the medium-to high-K calcalkaline rocks are more difficult to determine, and probably include mixtures of MORB-source or OIB-source, and melt/fluid derived from subducted oceanic sediment. Minor-and trace-element modelling calculations indicate substantial difficulties in producing the relatively low Ti-contents of arc volcanics by melting OIB-source mantle. Where OIB mantle is considered to be an important component of arc magmas it is suggested that the HFSE are buffered to relatively low concentration by a residual Ti-rich accessory phase.

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