
Abstract This study investigates the modulation of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) on surface ozone (O3) variability in Peninsular Malaysia. A 17-years (2000–2016) record of daily maximum surface ozone (O3Max) concentration from 24 air quality monitoring stations across Peninsular Malaysia were divided into six sub-regions namely R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6. To investigate MJO modulation on O3Max, total cloud cover (TCC), surface air temperature (SAT) and surface wind from ERA Interim Reanalysis were also analyzed. MJO composites of O3Max and meteorological parameters were created based on the Real-Time Multivariate (RMM) Index. Result shows that O3Max concentration varies remarkably with MJO phases. Low O3Max days occurred mostly during phase 2 (R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6) and phase 3 (R1) of MJO with concentration ranging from 31 to 47 ppb. While high O3Max days commonly occurred during phase 5 (R6), 6 (R1, R2, R3 and R5) and 8 (R4) of MJO with averaged concentration ranging from 41 to 57 ppb. All meteorological parameters vary with MJO phases and were consistent with O3Max variability patterns in Peninsular Malaysia, with positive (negative) TCC anomalies and negative (positive) SAT anomalies occur during the days when O3 concentration is low (high).

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