
Macroboring organisms are recognised as key agents of reef framework modification and destruction, and while recent studies in the Pacific have improved understanding of spatial variations in macroboring community structure, and rates of macroboring within individual reefs, comparable studies from the Caribbean are largely lacking. This study assesses the distribution of macroboring species and the degree of framework infestation across the reefs at Discovery Bay, north Jamaica. Although individual species of borers exhibit variable distributions across the reef, relative abundances of the main groups of macroborers (sponges, bivalves, worms) illustrate clear distributional trends. Sponges are dominant at fore-reef sites, while sipunculan and polychaete worms are only of importance at back-reef/lagoon and shallow fore-reef sites. Bivalves are locally important within back-reef and lagoon patch reef framework. Average percentages of internal bioerosion (macroboring) vary between sites, but are highest at back-reef and deep fore-reef sites. No systematic pattern of variation occurs within back-reef/lagoon samples, but a significant trend of increased macroboring is recognised with increased water depth on the fore-reef. In addition, significant differences in terms of the susceptibility of individual coral species are recognised. These factors are likely to result in biasing of the fossil record, with variable styles of preservation evident both between sites (i.e. with depth/environment) and within sites (i.e. between coral species).

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