
1. In the AMg6 aluminum alloy the fatigue crack growth rate at 293 K decreases as compared with the same value in air and parameters Kth and K* increase in vacuum. 2. With a temperature drop from 293 to 140 K the fatigue crack growth rate decreases especially at low Kmax values, while the Kth and K* values increase. 3. Each region of the kinetic diagram of fatigue fracture is characterized by a definite micromechanism of fatigue fracture which for the investigated alloy does not change in vacuum even at temperatures falling to 140 K. 4. On the basis of the dependence of groove pitches on Kmax for the AMg6 alloy in region II of the kinetic diagram of fatigue failure, coordinates K* and A of the transition point which divides this region into sections IIa and IIb were determined. Ordinate A=SIIa does not depend on the medium and temperature and is for this alloy (1.8–2.0)·10−7 m. 5. Since K* is an important practical characteristic of cyclic crack resistance, the experimental method of its determination must be based on recording the transitional character of one of the physical processes taking place in this point.

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