
Massive tree diebacks and abnormal growth reduction have been more reported across continents, which calls an attention for methods that can assess the physiological stress of tree growth. This study aims to develop machine learning models (MLM) to explain tree mortality and growth reduction in terms of the key parameters of climate and tree ecophysiology in temperate forests of Korea. For this, we produced various ecophysiological parameters with a process-based vegetation model that was used as inputs to multiple machine learning algorithms and the conventional multiple linear regression (MLR). As a result, the MLMs outperformed the MLR. Among the MLMs, random forest (RF) showed the highest overall accuracy and AUC for both tree mortality (79% and 0.84±0.09, respectively) and growth reduction (61% and 0.63 ± 0.09). Winter temperature along with previous-year autumn soluble sugar content and precipitation were the most important in determining the tree mortality, while the growth reduction was largely regulated by current-year conditions such spring and autumn precipitation and summer starch content. Also, in the proportion of variance (communalities) of PCA, the precipitation and soluble sugar showed low values 0.15 and 0.29, respectively, which low communalities (<0.3) indicate that these variables have limited shared variance with other variables in the analysis. This study indicates the combined use of vegetation model and MLM can give reciprocal benefits to each other by providing ecophysiological parameters for MLM, otherwise hard to get, and coping with convoluted process of tree vitality undescribed yet in the vegetation model, respectively.

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