
Gastric carcinomas are invariably accompanied by lymphoid proliferations. We studied their features in 22 resected gastric carcinomas in which the lymphoid proliferations ranged from reactive lymphoid follicles to mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomas. In most cases, the collections of lymphocytes were abundant, which is remarkable considering the lack of lymphoid tissue in the normal stomach. They were not haphazardly located but in direct contact with the metaplastic, dysplastic, and neoplastic epithelial cells, in positions suggestive of defense barriers. They consisted of newly formed lymphoid follicles with reactive germinal centers sometimes high up in the superficial mucosa, collections of plasma cells beneath the surface epithelium, and large aggregates of B cells above and below the muscularis mucosae as well as abundant T cells. The latter, both CD4+ and CD8+, were seen within metaplastic epithelial cells as well as within carcinomatous glands that were partially destroyed, resembling apparent neoplastic lympho-epithelial lesions (LEL). In three cases, the B cells infiltrating the gastric muscular layers represented MALT-lymphomas adjacent to gastric carcinomas, as confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis in two cases. In a case of lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma, the excessive lymphoid cells were predominantly of T-CD8+ type. In this case, EBV identified by EBV-encoded RNA and latent membrane protein was present in large amounts. Helicobacter pylori was seen in only six cases in areas of chronic gastritis that were distant from carcinoma. H pylori was not present in the areas of metaplasia, dysplasia, or carcinoma. It appears that the lymphoid proliferations accompanying these gastric changes do not arise in response to the pathogenic agent H pylori, which caused the persistent infection leading to them yet is no longer present, but rather in response to the existence of the abnormal epithelial cells. Thus the lymphoid proliferations consistently associated with gastric metaplasia, dysplasia, and neoplasia may be regarded as immune reactions to the long-term cellular changes triggered by the initial chronic gastritis. On rare occasions, the exaggerated lymphoid proliferations may reach the end of the spectrum, resulting in MALT lymphomas coexistent with gastric carcinomas.

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