
When twenty million Walker rat carcinoma cells are injected into the footpad of albino outbred rats, there is progressive metastasis to the draining popliteal and thence para-aortic lymph nodes. The lymphatic duct efferent from the footpad and afferent to the popliteal node has been cannulated; it has been shown that there is a continuous and progressively increasing output of tumour cells, small and large lymphocytes, macrophages and polymorphs from the footpad. About 20 per cent of the cells are tumour cells. The number of tumour cells in the popliteal and para-aortic nodes has been counted using a Coulter counter and subsequent differential counting of stained smears; the nodes contain a progressively increasing number of both tumour cells and lymphoreticular cells. The early accumulation of tumour cells in the para-aortic nodes makes it evident that tumour cells pass rapidly through the primary node. Examination of the simulated primary tumour by transmission electron microscopy suggests that tumour cells move actively toward lymphatics and protrude cytoplasmic processes through gaps in the endothelium. The endothelial cell then degenerates in close proximity to tumour cell processes. This leaves gaps through which tumour cells may pass and ultimately results in lymphatics with large defects in their walls.

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