
ABSTRACT We present a study on stellar properties of Lyman-alpha (Ly α) emitters at 5 < z < 8.2. We use 247 photometrically selected, lensed, high-redshift, low-luminosity galaxy candidates with spectroscopic follow-up. Of these, 38 are confirmed spectroscopically to be between 5 < z < 8.2 via detection of Ly α. For each galaxy and candidate, we estimate stellar mass, star formation rate, specific star formation rate, and mass-weighted age with spectral energy distribution fitting. We also measure the UV β slope and luminosity using values from photometry. We find no strong correlation between Ly α equivalent width and any of these properties, as well as no significant difference between the physical properties of Ly α emitters and candidates without Ly α detected. This lack of expected trends may be explained by a combination of the evolving opacity of the intergalactic medium at these redshifts as well as the unique phase space probed by our lensed sample. Via tests on other galaxy samples which show varying strengths of correlations, we conclude that if there exist any relationships between Ly α equivalent width and physical properties in the underlying population of faint galaxies, they are weak correlations. We also present the results of a spectroscopic search for C iii] emission in confirmed Ly α emitters at z ∼ 7, finding no C iii] detections, but putting constraints on strong active galactic nuclei activity and extreme nebular emission.

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