
Addition of 5×10 −2 U/ml recombinant luteinizing hormone (LH) to testes from fetuses at 16.5 day post conception (dpc) cultured for 5 days increased the number of Leydig cells by 34% and the acute LH-stimulated testosterone production by 600%. To determine whether these positive effects of LH in vitro are physiologically relevant in vivo, fetuses were decapitated on days 16.5 pc (before the onset of LH expression in the hypophysis) or 18.5 pc (before the surge of LH in the fetal plasma) and removed at 21.5 dpc. The number of fetal Leydig cells per testis and the acute LH-stimulated testosterone production by the testes ex vivo were unaltered by decapitation. Since, in all groups, the number of Leydig cells doubled between 16.5 and 18.5 dpc and between 18.5 and 21.5 dpc, these results suggest that neither the appearance of new fully differentiated fetal Leydig cells nor the maintenance of differentiated functions in existing fetal Leydig cells depend on LH during late fetal life, although this hormone is present in the plasma. Decapitation reduced the testosterone concentrations in the plasma (−56%) and in the testis in vivo (−67%) and the basal testosterone secretion of the testis ex vivo (−70%). This suggests that LH is required to maintain the physiological activity of the Leydig cell during late fetal life. However, the decrease of the in vivo testosterone production after decapitation was not sufficient to impair the growth of the Wolffian ducts and the lengthening of the anogenital distance. In conclusion, during late fetal life in the rat, Leydig cells are LH-independent for their functional differentiation and LH-dependent for their activity.

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