
Received: May 24, 2011 Accepted: October 6, 2011 Correspondence: Ahlam Almasari, M.D. Department of Medicine, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Tel: +966-2-667-7777 / 65032 e-mail: hanialmoallim@hotmail.com ©2011 Turkish League Against Rheumatism. All rights reserved. Bu yazida bir yil boyunca adalimumabla tedavi edilen seropozitif romatoid artritli 32 yasindaki bir kadin hastada gelisen histolojik olarak dogrulanmis nadir bir lupus miyoziti olgusu bildirildi. Hastanin artriti baslangicta mukemmel bir yanit verdi, ancak hastada daha sonra, antinukleer antikor ve anti-cift sarmalli DNA’da negatiften guclu sekilde pozitife donusumle birlikte onemli duzeyde kas gucsuzlugu gelisti. Hastanin kreatinin kinaz duzeyi ise normal kaldi. Hasta yuksek dozlu steroid tedavisine ve rituksimaba iyi yanit verdi. Anahtar sozcukler: Adalimumab; anti-TNF tedavi; ilac kaynakli lupus eritematosus; lupus miyoziti. We report a rare case of histopathologically confirmed lupus myositis that developed in a 32-year-old female with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis that had been treated with adalimumab for one year. She had demonstrated excellent response to her arthritis initially but then developed profound muscle weakness with a conversion of her antinuclear antibody and anti-double stranded DNA from negative to strongly positive. Her creatinine kinase levels remained normal. She responded well to high-dose steroid therapy and rituximab.

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