
A comprehensive study of health effects associated with the mixed dust exposure in this industry has included the collection of clinical, radiographic, lung function, and dust exposure data on 859 workers in two plants. Evidence is presented supporting a dose-response relationship between indexes of dust exposure and lung function, similar to the previously reported relationship with extent of x-ray film changes using the ILO U/C classification. Lung volumes and maximum expiratory flow rates decrease in relation to increasing cumulative dust exposure while pulmonary diffusing capacity (DL) is not dust-dose related. Worders who had crocidolite exposure had smaller lung volumes, lower expiratory flow rates, and reduced DL when compared with those having only chrysotile exposure. When the study population is divided into exposure groups, data thus far analyzed suggest that the chest x-ray film will reveal small opacities as early as significant functional changes can be detected, but individuals may have functional reduction prior to the appearance of x-ray film changes.

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