
Sediments of river deltas provide valuable records of past coastal environments. Optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has become an alternative to radiocarbon dating for constraining the sediment chronology in large deltas that allow for sufficient sunlight bleaching of sediments during the fluvial transport. However, its applicability to smaller deltas with mountainous riverine systems has not been confirmed yet. To check this, we examine multiple signals from two Holocene sediment cores in the wave-dominated Thu Bon River delta in central Vietnam. Two cores were collected, respectively, 3.9 km and 1.2 km inland from the present shoreline and both show a >-25-m thick succession of coarsening-upward mud to sand deposits. Coarse grains (180–250 μm in diameter) of quartz and K-feldspar, and fine grains (4–11 μm in diameter) of quartz and polymineral were extracted from the upper and lower parts of the cores for multi-grain measurements of quartz OSL, and of feldspar infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) at 50 °C (IR50) and post-IR IRSL at 175 °C (pIRIR175) to determine burial ages. In addition, facies analysis and radiocarbon dating were conducted. The landward core consists of transgressive to early regressive estuarine and prodelta facies, which is overlain by a sandy beach-shoreface facies. The seaward core consists of a relatively simple shallowing-upward succession from muddy prodelta facies to sandy beach-shoreface facies. All luminescence ages except for pIRIR175 of fine grains are mostly consistent with the radiocarbon ages. Instead, pIRIR175 ages of fine grains are significantly overestimated with variable offsets. OSL and IR50 of fine grains provide reasonable age estimates, as these grains were likely well bleached during the transport even along a short and steep mountainous river. Consistent age estimates of all signals from sand indicate that sand was well-bleached in the beach and shoreface owing to the frequent sediment reworking by waves and currents. These results support the hypothesis that luminescence dating is applicable to Holocene wave-dominated deltas and reiterate that comparing different luminescence signals is an effective way to check reliability of the age estimates in environments where the sunlight bleaching is not ensured.

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