
The study area belongs to the Central Chernozem region (CCR) of Russia. Research of forest soils in the forest-steppe zone is relevant. Three ecotops were studied to understand the combination of inert and living (bio) parts of the soil. The morphological, physico-chemical and chemical properties of soils were studied. These ecotopes were found to have different edaphic conditions such as Pine forest-Anogreyzemic Phaeozems (Loamic), Oak forest-Anochernic Phaeozems (Loamic), Fallow land-Lixic Chernozems (Loamic). Oak forests are a zonal type of forest in the study area. The composition of vegetation is represented by such tree species as Quercus robur L., Acer platanoides L., Tília cordata. The main representative of the invertebrate fauna in the studied soils is earthworms. The most widespread species of this family is Dendrobaena octaedra. Lumbricus terrestris is a subdominant. It was found that Anochernic Phaeozems (Loamic) has the greatest species diversity, 7 species of lumbricids were recorded in it. Anogreyzemic Phaeozems (Loamic) has the lowest species diversity, 3 species of lumbricids were noted here. However, the largest number of lumbricids is recorded in Lixic Chernozems (Loamic). The smallest number of earthworms, as well as the smallest species diversity, is characteristic of Anogreyzemic Phaeozems (Loamic).

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