
The hypothesis that control of lumbar spinal muscle synergies is biomechanically optimized was studied by comparing EMG data with an analytical model with a multi-component cost function that could include (1) trunk displacements, (2) intervertebral displacements, (3) intervertebral forces; (4) sum of cubed muscle stresses, and (5) eigenvalues for the first two spinal buckling modes. The model's independent variables were 180 muscle forces. The 36 displacements of 6 vertebrae were calculated from muscle forces and the spinal stiffness. Calculated muscle activation was compared with EMG data from 14 healthy human subjects who performed isometric voluntary ramped maximum efforts at angles of 0°, 45°, 90°, 135° and 180° to the right from the anterior direction. Muscle activation at each angle was quantified as the linear regression slope of the RMS EMG versus external force relationship, normalized by the maximum observed EMG. There was good agreement between the analytical model and EMG data for the dorsal muscles when the model included either minimization of intervertebral displacements or minimization of intervertebral forces in its cost function, but the model did not predict a realistic level of abdominal muscles activation. Agreement with EMG data was improved with the sum of the cubed muscle stresses added to the cost function. Addition of a cost function component to maximize the trunk stability produced higher levels of antagonistic muscle activation at low efforts than at greater efforts. It was concluded that the muscle activation strategy efficiently limits intervertebral forces and displacements, and that costs of higher muscle stresses are taken into account, but stability does not appear to be maximized. Trunk muscles are apparently not controlled solely to optimize any one of the biomechanical costs considered here.

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