
with parallel processing architectureYu-Wen Qin, Bao-Zhen Ge, Yi-Mo Zhang, Xiao-Dong Zhao, Zhan-Hua HuangTianjin University,Institute ofOptoelectrothcs and Precision EngineeringTianjin 300072, P.RChiBaABSTRACTA real-time hybridjoint transform correlator (JTC) with parallel processing architecture that use two liquid crystal lightvalves (LCLVs) spatial light modulators (SLMs), two VP32 image boards and two optical wavefront-division multiplexers(OWDMs) as the key parts was presented. Using this hybrid JTC,. real-time high-efficiency joint transform correlation,high-speed joint transform correlation and four-channel joint transform correlation were realized. The hybrid JTC systemhas also been used in the domain of morphological complex-valued kernel scale-space image processing. In this paper, theprinciples ofthe above experiments are described, experimental results are also given and analyzed.Keywords:JTC,high-efliciency JTC,high speed JTC,fourchanne1 JTC, morphology1. INTRODUCTIONJoints transform correlator ()TC) has attracted much attention in real-time application in recent years1'2, because itneeds no matched filter and its reference image and object image can be updated in real time. JTC has been realized withopto-electronic devices, but in general, the light energy and the effective area of the commercial available spatial lightmodulators (SLMs) have not been fully utilized. We solved this problem in our experimental research by developing twotypes ofoptical wavefront division multiplexers (OWDMs)3. Using OWDMs, which propagate images or power spectra intodifferent directions, in one-channel system and modifying the control program, real-time high-efficiency joint transformcorrelation, high-speed joint transform correlation and four-channel joint transform correlation are realized. The JTCsystem performance including information capacity, infonnation processing speed and system flexibility has been improved.The utilization efficiencies of the light energy and the effective area of the liquid crystal light valves (LCLVs) have alsobeen improved.2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTUREFig. 1 shows the block diagram ofthe real4ime hybrid JTC system. The reference images and the object images are sentto the input unit IPU(monitor) simultanedusly by VP32 image board via a microcomputer control. The reference images areobtained from the reference image data-base. The object images are obtained via a CCD camera and the image board. They

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