
As missile systems are becoming more complex and the costs associated with live fire testing are continuing to grow, greater emphasis is being placed on thorough system testing and capability evaluation in the simulation laboratories. To fully test these advanced missile guidance systems the simulation test facilities must present realistic, in-band backgrounds, targets, and countermeasures to the system being tested. This paper describes one aspect of an ongoing tri-service developmental program, Multi-Spectral Scene Generation (MSSG). MSSG is the combination of the RF and the IR energies for presentation to the unit under test for simultaneous RF/IR testing. The base material for the beam combiner must pass the RF radiation with minimal effect on amplitude and phase. The beam combiner must also reflect the IR radiation with minimal effect on the intensity and angular position of the test signals. The beam combiner may have to be moved during the testing. In this case the structure be capable of withstanding mechanical and aerodynamic loading without corrupting the RF and IR signals. The blending of the IR and RF signals must be accomplished without corrupting either signal to the point where test artifacts are created by the test process or the test facility.

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