
We implemented a high resolution display system for viewing digitized mammograms at real-time speeds. This display system has been utilized at the UCSF to develop a digital breast imaging teaching file. The mammography display station is built on a Sun workstation and Pixar processing hardware. It is capable of real-time 2K image display and manipulation, and serves as a basic platform for our digital mammographic teaching file. The teaching file is designed on a sophisticated computer-aided instruction (CAI) model, which simulates the work-up sequences used in imaging interpretation. Our CAI model not only provides answers to questions, but also allows user's detection of imaging abnormalities by pointing at the image. We also developed a software tool with an easy-to-use interface to manage patient images and related information, and manipulate the large quantity of digital mammograms. The display station is found to be adequate for fast display of high resolution digital mammograms. Our sophisticated CAI model integrates the vast image and textual data with visualization software into an interactive mammographic teaching file. This teaching file can be used as a real teaching tool for training radiology residents in mammography.

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