
From spacecraft platforms, the clouds and the Earth's radiant energy system (CERES) scanning thermistor bolometers are designed to measure broadband Earth-reflected solar shortwave (0.3 - 5.0 micrometer) and Earth-emitted long wave (5.0 - greater than 100 micrometer) radiances as well as emitted longwave radiances in the 8 - 12 micrometer water vapor window over geographical footprints as small as 10 kilometers at the nadir. In ground vacuum facilities, the thermistor bolometers and in-flight blackbody and tungsten lamp calibration systems are being calibrated using radiometric sources tied to the international temperature scale of 1990 (ITS'90). Using the in-flight calibration systems, the bolometers will be calibrated periodically before and after spacecraft launch to verify the stability of the bolometers responses and to determine response drifts/shifts if they occur. The in-flight systems calibration analyses along with validation analyses will be used to determine the flight data reduction coefficients (instrument gains and offsets) which will be used to convert the bolometer measurements into calibrated radiances at the top-of-the-atmosphere (approximately 30 km). If a bolometer response shifts or drifts more than 0.5% in the longwave region or more than 1.0% in the shortwave region, and if the validation studies verify the bolometer response change, the flight data reduction coefficients will be corrected. A coastline detection method, using strong contrasting longwave ocean-land scenes, will be used to assess error limits on the geographical locations of the radiances. The detection method was successfully used to assess upper limits (6 km) on the geolocation errors for the Earth radiation budget satellite (ERBS) bolometric measurements of longwave radiances. For CERES, the detection method may be extended to shortwave radiances. In this paper, elements of the CERES instrument level 1 validation plan radiometric strategies are presented as well as the geolocation validation approaches.

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