
The Silurian in the eastern Yangzi Gorges is divided into the Longmaxi, Loreiping and Shamao For­mations. Eleven graptolite zones, namely, the persculptus Zone, acuminatus Zone, vesiculosus Zone, aci­naces Zone, cyphus Zone, triangulatus Zone, magnus-thuringiacus Zone, argenteus Zone, convolutus Zone, sedgwickii Zone and arcuatus Zone, are recognized from the Longmaxi Formation and the Lower Member of the Loreiping Formation at Wangjiawan section, near Yichang. The 'late Silurian' graptolites reported from the lower part of the Shamao Formation are revised. In the equivalent level C. nebula, M. cf. drepanoformis, Pr. variabi/is and M. marri etc. have been found. The graptolite sequence across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary and its international correlation is further discussed.

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