
We present a low-loss VIS/IR-XUV beam splitter, suitable for high-power operation. The spatial separation of the VIS/IR and XUV components of a beam is achieved by the wedged top layer of a dielectric multilayer structure, onto which the beam is impinging under Brewster's angle (for VIS/IR). With a fused silica wedge with an angle of 0.5° we achieve a separation angle of 2.2° and an IR reflectivity of 0.9995. Typical XUV reflectivities amount to 0.1-0.2. The novel element is mechanically robust, exhibiting two major advantages over free-standing Brewster plates: (i) a significant improvement of heat conduction and (ii) easier handling, in particular for high-optical-quality fabrication. The beam splitter could be used as an output coupler for intracavity-generated XUV radiation, promising a boost of the power regime of current MHz-HHG experiments. It is also suited for single-pass experiments and as a beam combiner for pump-probe experiments.

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