
Both P32-parathion and C12-DDT were strongly adsorbed by soil from water dispersions. From two different volumes of water, the percentage loss of DDT to soil in 24 hours was the same 78%, but the loss of parathion with the larger volume was About half (38%) that with the smaller volume. Bioassays of extracts of water and soil with larvae of Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say showed no appreciable loss in toxicity of parathion in 24 hours. Tests with Marsh water showed that large differences in pH, total solids, and chloride content had little effect on the distribution and codistillation of DDT at 0.02 p.p.m Parathion was released into water readily from vermiculite granules; decreasing the, concentration of parathion in the granules or increasing the depth and volume of water increased the percentage releasing at a given time. With vermiculite-DDT granules less than 20% of the DDT was found dispersed in the water at both 2 and 24 hours, which indicated that it was sloughed off at the time of application.

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