
We present a frequency stability and linewidth analysis of two different setups of continuous-wave pump and signal-resonant optical parametric oscillators (pump resonant, singly resonant OPO, PR-SRO). Both designs, a common-cavity and a dual-cavity version, utilize a frequency-stable and narrow-linewidth pump laser and are stabilized without using an external reference. A long-term frequency stability better than ±30 MHz is reached over more than 30 minutes for both designs. The frequency jitter on a one-second time-scale is 56 kHz for the common-cavity PR-SRO and about 10 MHz for the dual-cavity PR-SRO. The short-term linewidths were measured using an external high-finesse cavity and are (9±2)kHz and (6±1)kHz in 20 μs, respectively. To our knowledge, these are the lowest values demonstrated so far for a widely continuously wavelength-tunable all-solid-state laser source.

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