
Charlie's Pond (North Carolina) harbors a diverse community of trematodes that infect the planorbid snail Helisoma anceps. Research at the Pond began in 1984 and serves as a foundation on which to investigate long-term changes in trematode communities. In 2002, 2005, and 2006 average size and fecundity of H. anceps were calculated each month, and seasonal trends analyzed with randomization tests. Concomitantly, trematode infections were recorded, and the community composition compared to those from previous studies. Helisoma anceps in 2002, 2005, and 2006 were smaller and less fecund than snails in 1984. The trematode community was consistently diverse, with 11 species recovered in 2006 versus 7 in 1984. However, the prevalence of Halipegus occidualis was much lower than previously observed (60% in 1984) and never exceeded 20% during the latter years. The decline of emergent vegetation is likely contributing to these changes. Aquatic macrophytes increase the surface area for growth of periphyton, the food source of these snails. Limited food supplies result in lower snail growth rates and fecundity. Similarly, emergent vegetation creates foci of transmission for H. occidualis between the frog definitive host and the snail intermediate host. When these areas are lost from the Pond, probability of transmission is reduced, and prevalence in the snail declines.

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