
We conducted a 4-yr prospective trial to evaluate the long-term effects of combined deferiprone (DFP)/deferoxamine (DFO) on reversal of cardiac complications in thalassemia major compared to those of DFO alone. Twenty-eight patients (pts) with cardiac disease requiring medication were stratified according to their risk for cardiac death. Fourteen pts were high risk, serum ferritin (SF) > 2500 ug/L on two-thirds of occasions since the onset of cardiac disease. Of those with a SF < 2500 ug/L (low risk), six had progressive decrements of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Nine high-risk pts and six low-risk pts were placed on DFP/DFO (DFP, 75 mg/kg/d divided t.i.d.; DFO, 40 – 50 mg/kg over 8 – 12 h at night 5 – 7 d/wk. The others infused DFO alone. If SF fell below 500 ug/L, DFO infusions were reduced to 2 d/wk. Cardiac follow-up (including blood work and ECG) was done at 4-m intervals. M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiograms were done at 4- to 6-m intervals. Cardiac T2* was not available at the beginning of the study. All but eight patients (3 death, 1 refusal, 2 claustrophobic, 2 pacemaker) subsequently had at least one T2* assessment. Routine lab tests were done at 1- to 6-m intervals. Blood counts were done at 7- to 10-d intervals for those taking DFP. Mean follow-up was approximately 40 m. Compliance with DFO was significantly better among low-risk pts in both treatment groups (DFP/DFO, 82% vs 61%; DFO alone, 83% vs 52%) as was that with DFP (94% vs 76%). At baseline, no statistically significant differences were observed between the SF levels, LVEFs or left ventricular shortening fractions (LVSFs) of pts on DFP/DFO or DFO alone in either risk group except for the LVEFs of the low-risk group (DFP/DFO, 56.5% +/− 5.5%; DFO alone, 65.4% +/− 5.0%; p = 0.032). In the high-risk group, four cardiac events (3 deaths, 1 worsening of CHF) occurred in the group getting DFO alone vs none in the DFP/DFO-treated group. The latter pts showed a decrease in SF and an increase in both LVEF and LVSF at the end of study (EOS). The three pts who died (at 17 to 35 m) had increased SFs. These pts were not rescued by IV DFO (98 +/− 12 mg/kg/d). The two DFO-treated pts who survived had marginally improved T2*s (1.5 to 3.0 ms and 7.6 to 8.8 ms) over the year prior to EOS. Only one of the seven evaluable pts on DFP/DFO had a T2* < 10 ms, the others averaging 19.4 +/− 6.7 ms. Among the low-risk pts, those on DFP/DFO showed a reduction in SF and an improvement in both LVEF and LVSF. Those on DFO alone had increased SF but essentially no change in LVEFs or LVSFs. Five pts on DFP/DFO had T2* evaluations. In two pts, T2* rose from 9.0 to 37 ms (38 m) and from 9.3 to 11.8 ms (17 m). The remaining three had T2* values > 20 ms at EOS. Similar results were seen in low-risk pts on DFO alone. These finding clearly support the notion that DFP/DFO has a beneficial effect upon the heart, even in well established disease. Moreover, our finding of low T2* values associated with low SF levels indicates the importance of tailoring treatment to each individual.

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