
In Switzerland, the use of phenylpyrrole, anilinopyrimidine, and hydroxyanilide fungicides for control of Botryotinia fuckeliana, causal agent of gray mold in grapes, has been restricted to one treatment per fungicide class per year as part of an anti-resistance strategy. Resistance development in B. fuckeliana was monitored from 1995 to 2001 for the anilinopyrimidine cyprodinil and the phenylpyrrole fludioxonil and from 1997 to 2001 for the hydroxyanilide fenhexamid in experimental vineyards in Richterswil and Stäfa, Switzerland. In total, over 2,400 field isolates were tested. In 1996, the first case of field resistance to anilinopyrimidines was encountered in Richterswil. Efficacy of the anilinopyrimidine cyprodinil decreased significantly, and 54% of the isolates were resistant to anilinopyrimidines. During 7 years of monitoring, one field isolate was found that showed a slightly decreased sensitivity to the phenylpyrrole fludioxonil. Resistance to the hydroxyanilide fenhexamid was not found in 1997 and 1998. From 1999 to 2001, the level of fenhexamid-resistant isolates increased to 100% in Stäfa. The analysis of monitoring and efficacy data showed that subpopulations of B. fuckeliana resistant to cyprodinil and fenhexamid have increased significantly; however, the efficacy of a mixture of fludioxonil and cyprodinil and of fenhexamid alone was still effective. The objective of this study was to initiate long-term monitoring in order to establish an early resistance-detection system as a tool to assess the effectiveness of the anti-resistance strategy used in Switzerland.

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