
A field study was made at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India during 1998 in a long-term fertilizer experiment to assess the influence of long-term manure and fertilizer schedules on weed flora changes in anirrigated finger millet–maize– cowpea cropping system. The weed flora of the experimental field, observed in the unmanured plot at 60 days after the transplanting (DAT) of finger millet (the 68 th crop in the sequence), consisted of nearly equal proportions of broad-leaved weeds (46.7%) and grasses (43.5%), while the sedge population was 9.8% of the total weed density. Trianthema portulacastrum (Linn.), Digera arvensis (Forsk.) and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., were the most dominant weed species in fertilized plots, while in unfertilized plots, Digera arvensis (Forsk.), Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Flaveria australasica Hook dominated. Maximum weed growth was recorded in the plot fertilized with the recommended dose of N alone and the value was statistically at par with N, P and K ...

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