
The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the growth rates and the degree of shell bioerosion exhibited by endolithic organisms of the Japanese scallop family, Patinopecten (Mizuhopecten) yessoensis, on the coast of Furugelm Island (Peter the Great Bay, northwest of East Sea = Sea of Japan) over the last three decades. The areas studied are affected by lumen (Tumangang) River run-off, which is enriched by organic matter and polluting agents. It was found that the linear growth rates of the Japanese scallops living along the coasts of Furugelm Island have decreased over the last three decades. The degree of bioerosion of scallop shells has significantly increased for the same period. These phenomena may be explained by a gradual increase in bottom sediment silting, organic enrichment and pollution of the areas being studied. It was found that the degree of scallop shell bioerosion increased with the scallop's age. At present, In each age group, the shells of the scallops sampled from the muddy sand showed greater erosion than the shells of individuals collected from the sandy substrate.

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