
This paper presents the results of investigating the sensitivity of a tracking filter to the inclusion or omission of several types of terms in the state dynamic equations on which the filter is based. These terms arise because the projection of the slant range vector onto the platform local level plane is accelerating even when both the platform and target are flying constant velocity, heading, and altitude flight paths. The focus is on tracking targets from a airborne platform a t long ranges using range and azimuth information. The platform is assumed to have an IMU and a local level navigation algorithm. I t will be allowed to change heading, velocity, and altitude while maintaining track. We shall not be concerned with the physical process whereby one obtains range and azimuth measurements or restrict the orientation of the platform relative to the target. That is, we will not restrict the field of view of the sensors. Our object is to develop a filter which applies to any long range t racking s i tua t ion where r a n g e a n d az imuth measurements are available. These measurements do not have to be made a t the same time, and range measurements may be missed independently from azimuth measurements being missed.

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