
The mass concentration M of surface submicron aerosol and its condensation activity χ were measured at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station of the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2001–2006. Variations in these quantities on scales of several days to several months are analyzed. It is shown that the occurrence of dense and superdense hazes over central Russia became more frequent during these years. This resulted in a change in the character of the seasonal dependence of the mass aerosol concentration M: ordered oscillations whose amplitude increases from year to year appeared in the seasonal cycle of M. Due to more frequent cases of dense and superdense hazes in 2002–2006, a significant monotonic increase is observed in the annual means of M. The annual mean of M increased more than twofold in 2005 (56 μm/m3) compared to 2001 (23 μm/m3). The time regimes of M and χ are characterized by variations with periods in the vicinity of 10, 20, and 40–50 days, as well as variations with longer periods within 70–100 days. In addition, the variability of mass concentration is of a strongly intermittent character. A cross-spectral analysis has shown that, on the whole, variations in M are coherent with those in χ. If the parameters M and χ vary on the same time scales, then, as a rule, variations in M lag behind variations in χ by several days. To understand the relationship between the parameters M and χ, special investigations, including studies of aerosol composition, are needed.

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