
Exogenously supplied long-chain fatty acids have been shown to markedly alleviate the inhibition of phototrophic growth of cultures of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides caused by the antibiotic cerulenin. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated C18 fatty acids were most effective in relieving growth inhibition mediated by cerulenin. Medium supplementation with saturated fatty acids (C14 to C18) failed to influence the inhibitory effect of cerulenin. The addition of mixtures of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids to the growth medium did not enhance the growth of cerulenin-inhibited cultures above that obtained with individual unsaturated fatty acids as supplements. Resolution and fatty acid analysis of the extractable lipids of R. sphaeroides revealed that exogenously supplied fatty acids were directly incorporated into cellular phospholipids. Cells treated with cerulenin displayed an enrichment in their percentage of total saturated fatty acids irrespective of the presence of exogenous fatty acids. Cerulenin produced comparable inhibitions of the rates of both fatty acid and phospholipid synthesis and was further found to preferentially inhibit unsaturated fatty acid synthesis.

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