
Piezo proteins have been identified as mechanosensitive ion channels involved in mechanotransduction. Several ion channel dysfunctions may be associated with diseases (including deafness and pain); thus, studying them is critical to understand their role in mechanosensitive disorders and to establish new therapeutic strategies. The current study investigated for the first time the expression patterns of Piezo proteins in zebrafish octavolateralis mechanosensory organs. Piezo 1 and 2 were immunoreactive in the sensory epithelia of the lateral line system and the inner ear. Piezo 1 (28.7 ± 1.55 cells) and Piezo 2 (28.8 ± 3.31 cells) immunopositive neuromast cells were identified based on their ultrastructural features, and their overlapping immunoreactivity to the s100p specific marker (28.6 ± 1.62 cells), as sensory cells. These findings are in favor of Piezo proteins' potential role in sensory cell activation, while their expression on mantle cells reflects their implication in the maintenance and regeneration of the neuromast during cell turnover. In the inner ear, Piezo proteins' colocalization with BDNF introduces their potential implication in neuronal plasticity and regenerative events, typical of zebrafish mechanosensory epithelia. Assessing these proteins in zebrafish could open up new scenarios for the roles of these important ionic membrane channels, for example in treating impairments of sensory systems.

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