
The proto-oncogenes c-fos and c-jun are members of a multigene family known as immediate early genes (IEG) that are transiently expressed in response to a wide variety of environmental stimuli. Homodimeric complexes of jun gene-family products and heterodimeric complexes of the jun and fos gene-family products form the transcription factor AP-1, which can bind to the promoter region of genes involved in cell proliferation.Here we report on the expression and localization of the nuclear proteins c-fos and c-jun in rat pleural mesothelial (RPM) cells. Previous work in our lab has shown that in RPM cells crocidolite asbestos is a potent and persistent inducer of c-fos and c-jun mRNA and AP-1 DNA-binding activity. Furthermore, asbestos may act as a mitogen in carcinogenesis by persistently activating the early response gene pathway. Although c-fos and c-jun message levels are increased in RPM cells after exposure to asbestos, it is unclear whether their proteins localize exclusively in proliferating RPM cells.

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