
A knot \widetilde{K} \subset S^3 is q-periodic if there is a \mathbb Z_q-action preserving \widetilde{K} whose fixed set is an unknot U. The quotient of \widetilde{K} under the action is a second knot K. We construct equivariant Heegaard diagrams for q-periodic knots, and show that Murasugi's classical condition on the Alexander polynomials of periodic knots is a quick consequence of these diagrams. For \widetilde{K} a two-periodic knot, we show there is a spectral sequence whose E^1 page is \hat{\mathit{HFL}}(S^3,\widetilde{K}\cup U)\otimes V^{\otimes (2n-1)})\otimes \mathbb Z_2((\theta)) and whose E^{\infty} pages is isomorphic to (\hat{\mathit{HFL}}(S^3,K\cup U)\otimes V^{\otimes (n-1)})\otimes \mathbb Z_2((\theta)), as \mathbb Z_2((\theta))-modules, and a related spectral sequence whose E^1 page is (\hat{\mathit{HFK}}(S^3,\widetilde{K})\otimes V^{\otimes (2n-1)}\otimes W)\otimes \mathbb Z_2((\theta)) and whose E^{\infty} page is isomorphic to (\hat{\mathit{HFK}}(S^3,K)\otimes V^{\otimes (n-1)} \otimes W)\otimes \mathbb Z_2((\theta)). As a consequence, we use these spectral sequences to recover a classical lower bound of Edmonds on the genus of \widetilde{K}, along with a weak version of a classical fibredness result of Edmonds and Livingston.

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