
Previous mechanical testing of orthodontic wires has, in many cases, failed to simulate some key features of the clinical environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the load-deflection characteristics of 7 different 0.016-in initial alignment archwires (Twistflex, NiTi, and 5 brands of heat-activated superelastic nickel-titanium [HASN]) with modified bending tests simulating a number of conditions encountered clinically. Load-deflection tests were carried out on the wires with 5 different model designs, and data from selected points on the unloading phase of the generated graphs were statistically analyzed. Wire deflection was carried out at 3 temperatures (22.0°C, 35.5°C, and 44.0°C) and to 4 deflection distances (1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm). Rankings were derived according to statistically significant differences in each test situation. The effects of model, wire, and temperature variation were all statistically significant. Twistflex and the 5 HASN wires produced a range of broadly comparable results, and NiTi gave the highest unloading values. Model rankings indicated that self-ligating Twin-Lock brackets produced lower friction than regular edgewise brackets. The authors recommend using the rankings from the mechanical test simulations to predict possible clinical performance of archwires. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;121:483-95)

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