
About the Paper In drafting this essay, the author has counter-posed two compositional strategies, one based on conventional rhetorical structures, founded in enlightenment concepts of sequential logic, rationality, and isomorphism—i.e., the standard, academically sanctioned thesis essay form, proceeding in an orderly and hierarchical manner from head (main idea) through body (detailed breakdown and investigation of thesis points— equivalent to scientific testing or proof of an initial hypothesis/proposal, deploying transitions and focal topics to govern and control the content of each subsequent investigative unit (paragraph). From this perspective, the essay structure is very much the rhetorical double of the city plan it proposes to elucidate. Working against this more panoptically controlled hierarchical structure, is a postmodern turn toward [Internet] wwwbased, non-sequential organization. Hence, certain sections of the essay are potentially arrived at via mock-URLs, suggesting the tentative, self-consciously constructed, unnatural nature of the smoothly flowing logical structure; at any moment, a different link could be selected, interrupting/disrupting/complicating the logical and sequential arrangement. Also along these alinear lines are bolded fragments of text, suggesting an associational pattern of connectivity among images and ideas destabilizing and rendering motile the more static, rationally secured surface of the final product.

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