
We aim to provide a panorama of liver donation and transplantation in Poland, where each year around 300 liver transplantations from deceased donors and 20 liver fragment transplantations from living donors are performed. This means about 9 transplantations per population of 1 million.Each year, the number of deceased donors reaches more than 500. In more than 50% of cases, livers are used. The law allows liver procurement from living donors. Until the end of 2013, liver fragments were recovered from 236 living donors and transplanted mainly to pediatric recipients (n = 232). A living-donor registry was created to monitor and assess the health condition of donors.The range of the national waiting list and allocation is nationwide. It is managed with the use of the Web tool www.rejestry.net. There are 2 modes of recipient referral: “urgent” and “elective.” Allocation is either patient oriented and center oriented. Disease groups, which comprise the most frequent indications for transplantation in adults, include the cirrhosis group (48%), in which the highest number of procedures was performed for patients with hepatitis C virus (24%); alcohol-induced cirrhosis (14%); alcohol-induced hepatitis (8%), and hepatitis B virus cirrhosis (7%). Among pediatric recipients, the most frequent indications were congenital cholestatic diseases, which made up 38% of all transplantation indications.The results of liver transplantations are collected in the national transplant register. The 1-year graft and recipient survival with deceased donor transplantation are 81% and 84% and with living donor transplantation 86% and 89%. The 5-year graft and recipient survival in deceased donor transplantation are 69% and 73%, and in living donor transplantation are 80% and 83%.

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