
Live metaphor embraces living thought, developing consciousness and emergent awareness. Mundane literalness achieves none of these. We have applied Ricoeur's theory of ‘live metaphor’ (P. Ricoeur. 1975. La Métaphore vive. Paris: Seuil (Translated 1978 as: The rule of metaphor. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; London: Routledge)) to story-telling research in an effort to reveal the continuum between work-place stories and metaphors. The story collecting was intended to illustrate ‘voice’ and ‘hardiness’ and to act as a tool for organizational change. But, in hindsight, the data better matched Derrida's metaphor of the disappearance or death of the postcard (J. Derrida. 1987. The postcard. Chicago: University of Chicago Press), which emphasizes the complexity and fragility of trying to link researchers and researched, self and other. With Ricoeur, we conclude that metaphor is what carries meaning from the one to the other.

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